Who are the main actors in modern hybrid warfare? Make sure to provide reasoning

Who are the main actors in modern hybrid warfare? Make sure to provide reasonings and references for your argument.
Original posts: Students are required to upload a well-thought-out response to a question related to the course material relevant for the week. Responses should be clear and concise. They should range from min. 250 – max. 400 words. In their responses, students must also make use of and cite both course readings as well as additional sources to provide evidence for their claims. A general rule for guidance would be four citations per post (circa one per 100 words). You can use any citation style as long as you are consistent.
related readings may include:Likewar: -The Weaponization of Social Media Paperback by P. W. Singer and Emerson T. Brooking. -Active Measures: The Secret History of Disinformation and Political Warfare by Thomas Rid

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