This assignment will improve your understanding of how to use artificial intelli

This assignment will improve your understanding of how to use artificial intelligence as a resource to boost creativity and critical thinking while engaging in scholarly reasoning and synthesizing scholarly literature. You will be querying artificial intelligence to develop a thesis statement and explain viewpoints that support the thesis statement. You will then evaluate the scholarly literature to refute viewpoints that run counter to the thesis statement. Step 1: Develop a question from the Module 3 learning material. You may develop your own or choose from the following questions. Do patient portals contribute to healthcare disparities? Is patient portal access associated with improvement in patient outcomes? Do patient portals improve patient safety? Does the information blocking rule undermine provider practice? Does the information blocking rule empower patients when instantly receiving test results? Step 2: Query a large language model platform, such as Chat GPT, choosing a position based on your question. Step 3: Write your thesis statement, write the AI query, and summarize the information you received from AI using your own words. For an explanation of how to cite and reference large language model platforms, see the following resource: McAdoo, T. (2023, February 24). How to cite ChatGPT.Links to an external site. APA Style. (LINK) Example question (note this question does not originate from Module 3 material): Do mandated hospital nurse staffing ratios improve patient safety? Example query to AI: Explain how mandated hospital nurse staffing ratios improve patient safety. Example thesis statement: Mandated hospital nurse staffing ratios improve patient safety. Step 4: Access the scientific literature to find counterpoints to the thesis statement and evidence to refute these counterpoints. This assignment is meant to help you create logical arguments to support your evidence-based viewpoint. As leaders, we need to anticipate that our audience will generate counterpoints to our thesis statements. Preparing evidence-based arguments to refute counterpoints will strengthen proposal writing and presentations. Step 5: Write three paragraphs identifying three to five counterpoints and refute these counterpoints using evidence from the literature. Step 6: Reflect on what you learned using a large language AI model to assist you with this assignment. Please answer these two questions in your 1-2 paragraph reflection. Were there advantages to using AI in this assignment? If so, what were they? If not, why not? How do you envision using AI to assist you in the workplace? If you already use AI to assist you in the workplace, how are you using it? This assignment addresses the following National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Career Readiness Behaviors: Communication: exchange information, ideas, facts, and perspectives in a clear and organized manner that others can effectively understand. Critical Thinking: gather and analyze information from a diverse set of sources and individuals to fully understand a problem. Technology: Manage technology to integrate information to support relevant and effective strategic goals. Use technology to improve efficiency and productivity of their work.

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