The Business Report Executive Summary must be one page, single spaced, in standa

The Business Report Executive Summary must be one page, single spaced, in standard letter size, Times New Roman 12 pt. font.  It must make the reader understand its purpose clearly and quickly as well as provide conclusions and recommendations, rather than a simple summary of findings.  Plus, its recommendations must be based on the sources consulted. You will personally visit one of the three Jollibee locations in Manhattan (either 6th Ave., Times Square, or 42nd St.), take a selfie as proof of your visit, then write a report about your impressions.  You will order a Chickenjoy fried chicken combo with a mango pie (don’t be concerned about the cost since you didn’t have buy any mandatory textbook for this course), note your reactions to the food as well as its price/quality value; also comment on the cashier service, overall menu, price level, customer type it attracts, as well as dining area ambiance and decor and overall cleanliness, and finally describe the type of neighborhood it serves (be entirely  honest in your personal appraisal).  Then you will send a 3-page report -without sources or footnotes- to my Lehman email addresss: [email protected].  The deadline for this Assignment 2 is  October 27. 

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