Submit an excellent initial post, thoroughly answering the questions below, with

Submit an excellent initial post, thoroughly answering the questions below, with line breaks between your answers. Then respond to a minimum of 2 of your classmates, preferably on 2 different days, on what you have learned from reading their initial posts. Please do this early in the week, so everyone has an opportunity to learn from your ideas and experiences, before
Week 2 Questions:
What have you selected as your company name and why?
Since your company sells only to the Business-to-Business (B2B) market, how would a corporate purchasing manager perceive your company’s name?
What have you decided is your company’s mission and why?
Which 2 product segments have you decided to target? What was your rationale for selecting these segments? Be sure you show the numbers (quantitative) to support your decision, in addition to any qualitative rationale that you might have. Please give this some thought and research before you submit your post.
Which test market did you select, and what was your rationale for choosing that market? Show the data that you used to support your decision, in addition to any qualitative rationale you might have.
How much Fixed Capacity did you decide to invest in? And why? Please justify your decision. Show your numbers (your demand projections and manufacturing capacity calculations) that support your decision. (Use the HOW TO Guides in Course Information to help you with your analysis. You can attach the Excel spreadsheet, if you like, to show your analysis).

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