In this module, you learned more about hiring timelines, job descriiptions, and reviewing applicants. Let us put some of that information into practice.
Step 1: Write your Job Descriiption
Choose your field below.
If you are in Business, you can select the most interesting option.
Besides the job listed, do a little bit of research to find the most important qualifications and qualities of a candidate who would be ideal for this role.
Write a final job descriiption for your organization or a fictitious one. (Be sure to include an overview of your organization in the descriiption.)
Attach your job descriiption to your original post.
Part I: Initial Post
In your initial post, discuss the following about the job descriiption you drafted:
Describe your job descriiption writing process and why you chose to include the components you chose.
Detail a timeline for a job you want to hire for.
Detail who will be involved in the interview process and why.
Discuss 3-5 questions you would recommend for the initial screening.
Be sure to reference some of the resources and data provided in this module.
***For this assignment, my chosen field is Cybersecurity, while the job descriiption is Security Analyst. Please ensure this assignment is completed around this criterion. ***
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