Instructions – Please build in separate file. For this assignment you will writ

Instructions – Please build in separate file.
For this assignment you will write the Findings/Results/Discussion section of your thesis. Set forth below is the explanation for this section from the End of Program Manual (EOP):
Findings/Results/Discussion: This section describes the results of the study. Keep in mind that the “results” are the direct observations of the research, while the “discussion” is the interpretation of the results and research. This should include, as appropriate:
• results, including tables, graphs, statistics;
• significance and interpretation of the results;
• discussion of results as they relate to thesis statement/research question;
• discussion of results as it relates to the theoretical framework/approach; and
• directions for future research.
Technical Requirements
Your Findings/Results/Discussion section will vary (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Peer reviewed sources should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the current Turabian Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.
1) Thesis Draft/Outline
Instructor Comments: Jillian, overall, a very good submission! From the attached, annotated paper, you will see that the paper had a number of punctuation, grammar, and format errors. In addition, I provided additional guidance on correctly formatting your bibliographical entries from which you must use to correct the information for respective footnote. Also, provide dates accessed for your internet sources as over time the URLs can change, be moved, and/or be deleted. For your footnotes, provide the specific page number(s) where the specific information is found if the source has page numbers–many digitized journal articles still have their original page numbers in the digitized form.
Finally, I previously recommended that your draft paper includes information on two significant points for you paper. First, since the early 1700s, Western ideas and, more importantly, western armies entered Russia and its successor the Soviet Union. These western ideas/invasions have significantly influenced the foreign policy of the governments and leaders of Russia/Soviet Union, and post -1991 Russia. Like Stalin, Putin, the leader of the Soviet Secret Police until 1991, sees the West’s (US/EU/NATO) eastward movement in Eastern Europe toward Russia through these historical events. You don’t need a detailed history but you do need a page or so which summarizes these historical events to set the stage for Putin’s current views on the west, NATO, and the reason for his invasion of Ukraine.
Second, you must also present a summary of Putin, his beliefs, and his leadership style for a complete understanding of his reasoning for his invasion of Ukraine. In your paper and in many, if not most, secondary sources, the author(s) usually consistently use the terms “Russia” and “Russian government” which makes foreign policy decision, such as the invasion of Ukraine. Generally, since 1991, Putin is “Russia” and the “Russian government.” He makes the top-level decisions which are “CONFIRMED” by his immediate advisors, council, and the “legislature.” Therefore, you need a short discussion of Putin’s life, personality, and leadership style.
2) Theoretical Framework
Instructor Comments:
Jillian, your revised theoretical framework is outstanding–well researched, well written and logically presented. From the attached, annotated paper, you will see that the paper had a few grammar and format issues. Among the things that I noticed is that on the surface it appears that some your narrative may be paraphrased information taken from your sources. As you work on the draft capstone paper, be sure that you footnote paraphrased information taken from the sources–although in your own words, the ideas and information are still the intellectual property of the original sources and, thus, must be footnoted. Also, provide dates accessed for all internet sources as URLs can be changed, moved, and/or deleted. Finally, after some thought I decided to grade this assignment as submitted late, meaning that I deducted 5 points for a late submission, and the upgraded grade for the assignment will reflect this new, higher grade.
Finally, your selection as realism as the basis for your theoretical framework for this paper is great. Realism posits that a state (meaning the state’s government (leaders, agencies, governmental branches, etc.) act as a unitary actor for the overall benefit of itself; that is, a state, as an unitary actor, makes decisions, especially those affecting its national security and interests, based on what is best for itself. However, the “state” is made up of many leaders and agencies with various levels of power and authority. in the case of Russia (Tsarist Russia, Soviet Union, and post-Soviet Union Russia), the “state” is essentially one leader–the tsar, the secretary-general of the Communist Party (1917-1991), and president, post-1991. Thus, to a very significant degree, “Russia’s” decisions and actions are, in reality, those of Vladimer Putin and his closest circle of advisors. The rest of the Russian government essentially carries out his decisions. In your draft capstone paper, you need to ABSOLUTELY present some discussion of Putin the man and the Russian leader, his decision-making, his personality, his leadership style.
3) Research Design
Jillian, generally an outstanding submission! From the attached, annotated paper, you can see that the paper had a number of errors, mainly with the formats for the footnotes and the reference entries. In addition, you should add some content about the West’s invasions of Russia/Soviet Union in 1812 (Napoleon), the Germans (1914 and 1941), and the Allies of World War I (1918-21). This content will bolster your argument Russia’s (Putin’s) fears of western encroachment, exemplified, in this case, by NATO eastward expansion. In addition, your discussion of Putin’s invasion of Crimea in 2014, his support of Russian militias in the Donbas, and his invasion of eastern Ukraine in 2022 were partially to protect the Russian people in Crimea and eastern Ukraine.

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