For this assignment, you will develop two specific areas using the Project Plan Template, which you will populate throughout this course:
The Project Plan helps you develop the details of your project. Your work will be viewed through multiple lenses, including those of instructors, peers, the existing literature, and other sources. You should seek opportunities to improve and refine your work. As you deepen your understanding and add detail to your project, you should expect to make several revisions during and after this course. Doctoral project planning is an iterative process, with each revision often inspiring further revisions until everything is aligned. These iterations are a necessary and customary part of the doctoral journey.
Refer to the Virtual ResidencyLinks to an external site. Campus page for your PhD or Professional Doctorate program’s Project Plan Guide, and consider the following guidance as you develop these areas of your Project Plan:
Discussion of the topic should begin with a topic sentence like this: “The topic for the proposed study is…” (The topic statement should not be the same as your question.) This paragraph should include descriptive sentences that provide your reader with a clear overview of the topic supported with literature from evidence-based, peer-reviewed journal articles.
Example: The topic for the proposed study is resiliency among first-generation college students at four-year colleges. Describe resiliency, first-generation college students, and four-year colleges, supporting each description and citing that support.
Having clearly named, described, and supported each element of the topic, articulate the link between your topic and the field of your program as well as your specialization. The most effective way to demonstrate your topic’s significance is to link it to the growing body of peer-reviewed literature related to your topic. A dissertation or capstone is an independent, original piece of scholarship; you want to connect your proposed work explicitly to the acceptable topics and methods for your program. Cited support is required.
The problem takes the form of a miniature literature review. Often this section is best organized using subheadings for each concept, phenomenon, or variable you plan to study. This is a brief summary of important findings related to your study—it should be evident that you are well-versed in the scholarship of literature on your proposed topic. The problem is also a good place to connect the target population in a deeper way to your topic if you have not done so.
The reference section should be in perfect APA style. This section should include supporting references (articles cited in your Project Plan). Most projects will have 35 or more references listed by the end of the course.
Consult the Acceptable Topics and Methods and Project Plan Guide provided by your program for specific expectations for the following sections. Be sure to update the reference list as you add resources to support your project development. Use the Project Plan Template to structure your assignment as follows:
Describe the specific topic to be studied. Provide a brief synthesis of recent literature on the topic and clearly identify the target population, variables, and/or concepts under study. Ensure that the topic is grounded in a problem and aligned with your program of study.
Example: The topic for the proposed study is the effect of transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behavior among employees in health care organizations. Describe transformational leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, and employees in health care organizations. Support and cite the support for each of these descriptions.
Describe the significance of this topic to your program or field (business, counseling, education, technology, public service leadership, psychology, social work, and so on) and your specialization within your program if applicable.
Correctly form the topic.
Use appropriate language for key concepts/phenomena addressed by the topic.
Clearly specify relationships among the foundations (quantitative method).
Identify and define the specific concepts or foundations to be explored (qualitative method).
Name the target population.
Focus the concepts appropriately.
Use scholarly literature to explain what is known and unknown about this topic. Report the actual study findings (not implications or recommendations) from recent (5–7 years from expected date of graduation), peer-reviewed articles, and seminal works to explain the current status of the topic and to show the gap in understanding that you propose to fill.
Write a brief statement regarding the need for the study that fully describes the problem or need being addressed. The need for the study is often referred to as the project or research problem. Correctly state the problem:
Summarize existing literature and key findings.
Clearly formulate gaps in the existing literature or problems in practice.
Explicitly state, rather than imply, the project or research problem.
State the theoretical or conceptual framework with source.
In simplified terms, the project or research problem might take this form: “The scholarly literature on _________ indicates that ________ is known and __________ is known, but what is not known is ______________.” Write out the problem statement and theoretical foundation.
Quantitative problem statement example: “The proposed study will examine the extent to which (independent variable) influences (dependent variable) among (population) (moderated/mediated by [variable]). X Theory (citation) will serve as the theoretical framework of the proposed study.”
Qualitative problem statement example: “The proposed study will seek to ________ (understand, describe, develop, discover) how [concepts/theory foundations] have addressed the ________ (central phenomenon, experience/event, process) for _______ (the target population). The tenets of Y theory (citation) will serve as the conceptual framework of the proposed study.”
Example: “This qualitative generic inquiry study will explore how Maslow’s hierarchy of needs’ foundations of physiological and safety needs are associated with the perceptions of post-Covid 19 unemployed job seekers toward job hunting.”
Last Completed Projects
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