Does blood type influence COVID-19 symptoms? Research regarding variable presentations of COVID-19 continues rapidly. Some of this new research hypothesizes blood type influences. Initial Post Read ABO Blood Types and COVID-19: Spurious, Anecdotal, or Truly Important Relationships? A Reasoned Review of Available Data. Focus on the general concepts, as opposed to understanding every word. After completing the reading, answer the following question for your initial post: “How does blood type influence symptom variations in people exposed to COVID-19?” Use the assigned article, with appropriate APA citations, to support your position. Reply Post In your reply post, share how your findings and conclusions related to a peer’s initial posting position. Focus on the similarities and differences in key findings. You may use the assigned article or other credible references of your own selection to support your follow-up post(s). Additional Resources FAQ: How can I write a really good discussion post? Reference(s) Pendu, J. L., Breiman, A., Rocher, J., Dion, M., & Ruvoën-Clouet, N. (2021). ABO Blood Types and COVID-19: Spurious, Anecdotal, or Truly Important Relationships? A Reasoned Review of Available Data. Viruses, 13(2).
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