Can you pleae number them and use references. 1. Proverbs 13:24 phrase, “spare t

Can you pleae number them and use references.
1. Proverbs 13:24 phrase, “spare the rod, spoil the child” is often used to convey the idea that if a parent or authority figure fails to discipline or correct a child’s misbehavior, the child will grow up spoiled or undisciplined. Is punishment an effective tool for teaching children how to behave? In what situations is it most effective? In what situations, if any, should punishment not be used? Integrate current psychologist’s or expert’s stance on punishment in your response.
2.Reflecting upon Bandura’s Social Cognitive Learning theory, locate a video online about this theory. Share the video link with the class along with a personal example of how this is implemented in your real life. How can we control such learning and personality influences?
3.What is HIPAA? What is HITECH? Why are these important? How do they apply to the behavioral health field? Use the article on the HIPAA Journal website located in the Topic 5 Resources.
4.What are the benefits and challenges associated with texting, email, smartphones, and social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram for those employed in the behavioral health field? How might you maintain appropriate boundaries with clients when you communicate with them outside the professional relationship? Support your claims with scholarly resources.

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