Activity 2: Eye of the Storm Discussion Questions
The link for the “Eye of the Storm” documentary is here: watch?v=6gi2T0ZdKVcLinks to an external site.
Below are the discussion questions for the Eye of the Storm documentary. See the Chapter 2 Outline on Canvas in the “Modules” section for the definitions of each concept. You must answer all three questions to receive full credit for the activity. Your replies to the discussion questions are DUE this Sunday before 11:59pm. Go ahead and reply to the discussion thread on Canvas under the “Discussions” tab and then click “Submit” once you are finished. Each answer only needs to be a paragraph or so. You will also need to reply to at least two of your fellow classmates commenting on: 1.) What you agreed with in their responses and 2.) Anything you may have disagreed with, thought about differently, or didn’t consider in your responses. You must post your answers before seeing other people’s responses. Your replies to your classmates are due the following Sunday before 11:59pm (see the Course Schedule in the Syllabus Section for specific due dates).
Discussion Questions
Using the concepts of self-concept and self-esteem find one example from the film The Eye of the Storm that illustrates how the eye color experiment affected the children’s self perception and/or performance for better or for worse. Explain briefly how it relates to their self-concept and self-esteem.
Reflected Appraisals refer to the ways we establish our self-concept based on the way we believe others perceive us. Using this concept, share a specific example from the documentary that demonstrates how the children experienced this phenomenon.
Find one example from the documentary of a superior social comparison and one example of an inferior social comparison. Explain briefly how each example represents the given concept.
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