In modern nursing, the nursing metaparadigm – encompassing person, environment,

In modern nursing, the nursing metaparadigm – encompassing person, environment, health, and nursing – profoundly influences culturally proficient care. Reflecting on this relationship, consider:
How does the nursing metaparadigm inform the delivery of culturally proficient care?
Discuss the integration of the nursing metaparadigm’s core concepts with culturally diverse patient populations.
In what ways can nursing theory shape nursing education to better prepare nurses for culturally proficient care?
Initial Post Screening Instructions:Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted, and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.
Submit your initial post as a Word document to this assignment.
You must receive a Turnitin similarity report that is less than or equal to 20%

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