Visual Diary: Visual ElementsFor this assignment, you will be creating one Visual Diary and a supporting summary of what you found.
Your collection of photos must be visual representations of specific formal elements of art.
Your summary must identify the medium for each object/image and the formal element for each object/image. Follow the instructions below for the introduction and step by step instructions.
The goal for this assignment is to carefully view the world around you, and to identify visual elements and mediums, in your personal daily life. I guarantee you, they are everywhere! Once you see it, it will be hard to unsee it!Line, light & value, texture & pattern, shape & volume/form, chance, color, time, movement exist all around us in nature and in the things that humans make and build. Look to your surroundings: from the computer you’re working on, to the leaves on the trees! These are all described as Formal Elements of Art, sometimes called the Visual Elements.
For this assignment, please refer to the Canvas Content pages specifically: Analyzing Art: Different Approaches (Chapter 1 Supplemental Materials)Analyzing Art: Different Approaches (Chapter 1 Supplemental Materials) & Analyzing Art: Formal Elements (Chapter 2 Supplemental Material) and/or Chapters 1 and from our required textbook: Exploring Art A Global Thematic Approach.Before you begin, look to the examples from the module and/or textbook, and as you are reading about analyzing art and the formal elements of art look to your surroundings in your home (this project does not require leaving home).
Are you able to identify examples of as the relate to our collective Visual Culture: (Fine Art, Popular Culture, Craft, and or Specific Disciplines like drawing, photography, or sculpture)? I bet you can: A silkscreened print, a drawing, or a painting?-that’s fine art
School pictures of your kids?- that’s photography.
Action figures?- that’s popular culture.
A mask you made?- that’s sculpture.
A car you’ve been working on restoring?-that’s popular culture and sculpture.
Fabrics, a crocheted clothing item, a pot, a handmade basket, or jewelry?- sounds like craft.
Look to your personal items, manufactured items and handmade items.1. Now that you have analyzed these objects in your life, and identified how they relate to our collective Visual Culture (based on the list above and this module), start taking photos of just one formal element (line, light & value, texture & pattern, shape & volume/form, chance, color, time, movement) of your collection using the principles of design/composition (balance, rhythm, proportion & scale, unity).2. After you have collected 9-12 examples of your selected element, make a visual diary of all you have found. You will be creating a collection of photos (see examples below for format & arrangement only). Follow these steps: (1) You will have to take your own photos, (2) arrange them just as you see below. (note: the arrangement can vary in format, square/rectangle/fancy borders) 3. Explain (in text or video) how your images in the collection are examples of the visual element/sthat you are describing and what parts of our visual culture these images belong to. In other words; if you are showing us images with the visual element of line, make sure to describe how each image/object creates line, etc. Do the same for medias; be very clear and obvious in your descriptions :)Note: each collection does not have to include only only one formal element. Ideally, we do want just one type of formal element; however, what you can do, is create a a collection all the same type of art and different formal elements (line, light & value, texture & pattern, shape & volume/form, chance, color, time, movement), OR create a collection of various types of art (Fine Art, Popular Culture, Craft, and or Specific Disciplines like drawing, photography, or sculpture) and the same formal element. This will provide a “do-able” challenge!
Example: Below is an example with a few photos (collaged as a single file) all showing examples of the visual element: LINE. You may select any visual element, just as long as all of the images are showing the same visual element. A collection with just one element can appear more cohesive and provide a deeper look into the individual characteristics of the one element.
Guidelines for Submitting this ProjectPlease use this numbered format in your summary. Thank you for this :)Your projects (all 3 points below) may exist in a word doc, jpg, or pdf . You have creative freedom of how this is presented. You can upload your visual presentation and description/self analysis as single or separate documents. (See Submitting Individual Project Assignments for more details).Upload your visual diary based on a visual elements. Don’t have a smartphone or an app that will create a instant layout? That’s ok, use this pc/ Mac friendly website: https://www.photocollage.comLinks to an external site.. It’s incredibly easy! From there, you can paste your jpeg image file into a word doc or upload- depending on how you prefer to send in the work.
List which formal element your diaries display (they have to be based on this week’s module and/or textbook content).
A brief and clear description and self-analysis of how the images you are sharing all fit into our visual culture based on that formal element. This may be typed or video/audio recorded.
How do I record a video using the Rich Content Editor?Links to an external site.Thank you! I hope that through this scavenger hunt, you begin to see the formal elements all around you and that you are able to see the many medias we are surrounded by!
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