For the final project, you can choose to create either a Microsoft Word Document

For the final project, you can choose to create either a Microsoft Word Document OR a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation on any topic directly related to your field of study.
For example, if you are in a nursing program, your topic could be on safety measures to protect nurses from infectious diseases or comparing different types of nursing jobs.
All portions of the project should be cohesive and include real information related to your field. 
All content must be in your own words. Plagiarized information will not be accepted. If outside sources are utilized to gather information, please include them in a reference list at the end of the project.
Make sure to include all of the elements below in your selected application:
Microsoft Word
Minimum of 3 pages including 4-5 paragraphs of substantive content.  (Please review the rubric for guidance.)
Three different font styles
Three different font sizes
Colored font at some point
Bolded font 
Underlined font
Inserted Items:
Centered and bold title
3 images (from your computer, a stock image, or an online image. When using images from online, be sure to include the citation.) 
1 table with text (any size with content related to the topic)
Page header (your first and last name on all pages)
Page numbers (on all pages)
Special Features: 
Italicized font 
Bulleted list 
1.5 spaced lines (space the entire document this way)

Microsoft PowerPoint
Minimum of 7 slides with substantive content (Content is evaluated based on slides and speaker notes combined. Each slide should have written content in your own words including chunks of text or bullet points. Each speaker note should be 2-3 sentences and explain how you would present the slide.)
Three different font styles
Three different font sizes
Colored font at some point
Bolded font 
Underlined font
Inserted Items: 
Title Page (with your topic as the title and your name as the subtitle) 
3 images (from your computer, a stock image, or an online image. When using images from online, be sure to include the citation.) 
1 table with text (any size with content related to the topic)
Footer- using the Header & Footer feature (Your first and last name on each slide)
Slide Number – Located in the Header & Footer feature (on each slide)
Special Features
7 speaker notes (one beneath each slide: 2-3 sentences each)
7 animations (one on each slide)
6 transitions (one between each slide)
It can be either power point or Microsoft word. You can choose. This will be related to the field I’m going into. Currently already a nurse and it needs to relate to nursing or specifically the nurse practitioner route I’m going now.

Last Completed Projects

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