Topic: Mass Incarceration ID Problem: The U.S. justice system faces issues of m

Topic: Mass Incarceration
ID Problem: The U.S. justice system faces issues of mass incarceration, causing overcrowded prisons and high recidivism rates.
ID Solution: Restorative justice, abolish mandatory minimums, more rehabilitation.
Thesis Statement: To believe that mass incarceration can be solved in the United States, is a problem that must be attacked on multiple levels. Economist terms for Restorative justice programs, reducing demands for mandatory minimum sentencing, and increasing rehabilitation efforts are some of the solutions we can find to make our prisons less overpopulated and our crime Mundial rate lower.
****Each student is required to complete the term project, which is a 17-20 page (not counting the cover, abstract and reference page) research paper in proper APA format. ***Students will also submit their annotated bibliography, and a rough outline in two separate documents. Collect a minimum of 12-15 articles for the annotated bibliography and create an outline of the paper with the annotated bibliography.

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