This is part 3 of the previous 2 assignments you completed.Once there is a clear

This is part 3 of the previous 2 assignments you completed.Once there is a clear identification of the problem an intervention can be developed and implemented to address the health risk or health-related problem/issue.

For a population health intervention consider the categories of intervention on The Wheel Links to an external site.. For example, an intervention could be health teaching, outreach, social marketing, coalition building, advocacy, etc. Another example could be that the intervention would involve implementing a new technology, such as an App, with the identified population.
Whatever approach you select, the intervention should target the health risk or health-related problem/issue you identified in your unit 5 paper.
The Population Health Proposal – Part 2 assignment will be constructed in a presentation format. All in-text and reference citations need to be formatted consistent with 7th edition APA guidelines.
The presentation needs to have a minimum of 9 slides and include the following:
Slide 1 – Title slide
Slide 2 – A succinct definition of the population presented in your unit 4 assignment supported by information/data (include in-text citations for resources as appropriate for where you sourced the data)
Slide 3 – A succinct overview of the health risk or health-related problem/issue that you identified in your unit 5 paper
Slide 4 – An overview of the range of interventions that you located in the literature that may be reasonable to implement for addressing the problem (supported with references)
Slide 5 – An overview of the intervention you selected as the best fit to address the problem with your identified population; be sure identify which of the 16 “Intervention Wheel” categories your selected intervention is aligned with
NOTE: advanced graduate level scholarship requires a well-articulated and in-depth overview of the intervention; consider utilizing the ‘Notes’ section of the slide if needed to provide additional details
NOTE: Be sure to support your selected intervention with scholarly resources.
Slide 6 – Provide a brief rationale as to why you believe your selected intervention was the best fit for addressing the problem with your identified population
Slides 7 (or more if needed) – A discussion of how and where the intervention would be implemented. Provide enough specificity about the intervention such that your reader has a clear understanding of your intervention and your implementation strategies.
Review examples below to enhance your understanding of implementation strategies:
Would it occur on Mondays in public gathering places like senior centers?
Would the intervention be administered via the internet? or an App?
Would it take place in scheduled monthly meetings with community organizers?
Would the intervention be taught to all the public health professionals in the targeted community?
Would the intervention consist of materials mailed to every household?
Would mail carriers enact the intervention on their daily route? etc.
NOTE: advanced graduate level scholarship requires a well-articulated discussion about how and where the intervention would be implemented; consider utilizing the ‘Notes’ section of the slide if needed to provide additional details
NOTE: Be sure to support your discussion of how and where the intervention would be implemented with scholarly resources.
Slide 8 – an overview of the anticipated/desired effect of implementing your selected intervention
NOTE: advanced graduate level scholarship requires a well-articulated discussion about the anticipated/desired effect of implementing your selected intervention; consider utilizing the ‘Notes’ section of the slide if needed to provide additional details
NOTE: Be sure to support your discussion of the anticipated/desired effect of implementing the intervention with scholarly resources.
Slide 9 – Reference citations list

The presentation is due by Sunday at 11:59pm CT.

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