I have attached my professor’s comments and feedback that need to be adjusted to

I have attached my professor’s comments and feedback that need to be adjusted to the final draft.
Convey the relevant information about this article and cit ite. Information such as the title of the article or the URL, should be confined to the references page.
Only use last names with APA.
Include the year after the author’s name if mentioned in the sentence.
Avoid using therefore in this context.
Focus on the introductory paragraph by briefly introducing your chosen topic. Mention its purpose and identify the intended audience. Briefly mention ethos, pathos, and logos before the thesis as well.
Your thesis should claim the effectiveness of the author’s use of ethos, pathos, and logos. Your thesis statement should answer the following question. What have you concluded about their use of ethos, pathos, and logos? Were these appeals utilized effectively for their intended audience?
Mention ethos, pathos, and logos before the thesis statement.

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